How to Grow a Sago Palm from Seed

The sago palm is a popular houseplant of the Cycas family. It’s native to Japan and Taiwan, but it has been grown elsewhere for decades due to its hardiness, slow growth, and attractive appearance.

Growing a sago palm from seed is the perfect project for any plant enthusiast. Here’s what you need to know about planting and growing your own sago palm from seed.

Preparing the Seeds

Before you can begin planting your sago palm seeds, you must prepare them. Begin by soaking the seeds in warm water overnight.

This will soften their tough outer shells and help them absorb moisture more quickly when they are planted.

Once they have soaked overnight, remove the seeds from the water and gently rub or scrape away any remaining fleshy outer coating using a soft brush or cloth.

Make sure not to damage the inner core of each seed as this could damage their viability or cause them to rot before they’ve had a chance to sprout.

Planting Your Seeds

Once your seeds are prepped, you can begin planting them indoors in small pots filled with potting soil that is rich in organic matter such as compost or peat moss.

Place one seed per pot about 1 inch deep into the soil and lightly press down on top of it with your finger so that it’s firmly planted in place.

Water each pot thoroughly until water begins to drain out of the bottom holes then place them in an area where they will receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day or under fluorescent grow lights if necessary.

Make sure to maintain consistent moisture levels throughout germination; this means watering your seeds once daily during periods of low humidity or twice daily during periods of high humidity.

Caring For Your Sago Palms

Seedlings may take up to 3 months before they emerge from the soil’s surface—so be patient!

Once you notice signs of growth, make sure to keep providing adequate water and light exposure for optimal health and growth rate of your sago palms.

After 4-5 months, you can gradually reduce the watering frequency as needed until eventually transitioning your plants outside once all danger of frost has passed—usually around late spring/early summer depending on where you live.

With proper care and maintenance, these beautiful plants should thrive for many years!


Growing a sago palm from seed is an exciting project that can provide years of enjoyment to any plant enthusiast willing to put in some time and effort upfront.

While it may take up to 3 months before you see results, once they start emerging from the soil’s surface—the wait will be worth it!

With consistent light exposure, adequate moisture levels maintained throughout germination stages (and afterward), patience (lots of patience!), and love—you too can grow a beautiful sago palm right at home! Good luck!

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