How to Propagate Aloe

Aloe vera plants are extremely popular houseplants due to their easy care and the fact that they can help improve air quality in your home.

But if you’re lucky enough to have an aloe vera plant, you’ll want to propagate it.

Propagation is a great way to get more plants without having to spend money or buy new ones.

Here’s how to propagate aloe vera plants in three easy steps.

Step #1: Cut Off One of the Lower Leaves

The first step is to cut off one of the lower leaves from the aloe vera plant. Be sure to use a sharp knife and try not to damage other leaves when removing it.

Then, allow the leaf you cut off to dry for a few days before planting it. This will allow for faster rooting as well as reduce the chance of any diseases entering your new plant.

Step #2: Plant Leaf in Potting Mix

Once your leaf has dried out, it’s time to start planting!

Fill a pot with good quality potting soil and make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom so that water can escape easily.

Make a small hole in the soil, insert your leaf, and press down gently around it so that it is firmly planted in place.

Water lightly until damp and wait for roots to form after about 1-2 weeks (depending on conditions).

Step #3: Care for New Plant

Now that your new aloe vera has started forming roots, keep an eye on its progress by checking every few days for signs of growth such as a few leaves starting to sprout up from the base of where you planted it.

Once this starts happening, give your new plant plenty of sunlight and water every 7-10 days with filtered water or rainwater—tap water can be harsh on succulents like aloe vera—and watch as it grows!


Propagating an aloe vera plant is actually quite easy once you know what steps need to be taken.

With just three simple steps – cutting off one of the lower leaves, planting it in potting mix, then caring for your new plant – you can quickly add another beautiful aloe vera plant to your home garden!

So don’t wait any longer… try propagating yours today!

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