How to Sell Plants to Nurseries

If you are a grower of plants and want to get your product into the hands of potential buyers, then selling your plants to nurseries can be a great way to increase your profit margin.

By establishing relationships with nurseries and understanding their needs, you can ensure that they will become loyal customers.

Gather Knowledge & Resources

Before attempting to sell your plants to nurseries, it is important to do some research.

Learn about the nursery business industry and what works best for them in terms of pricing, delivery methods, and other important aspects.

Gather as much knowledge as you can so that you can better understand what sells well and what doesn’t.

Additionally, make sure that you have all the necessary resources (such as packaging materials) on hand before attempting to sell your products.

Reach Out To Prospective Buyers

Once you have gathered enough knowledge and resources, it’s time to start reaching out to prospective buyers.

You can find leads by researching online or attending trade shows where growers network with nurseries.

When communicating with interested parties, make sure you include information about your products such as varieties, sizes available, quantity per order, etc.

They will also want details about pricing and delivery options. It is also important that you establish good relationships with these people so they will come back for more in the future.

Negotiate Prices & Delivery Methods

Once you have gathered leads and made contact with potential buyers, it’s time to negotiate prices and delivery methods.

It is important here that both parties are happy with the final agreement so be willing to negotiate until both sides are satisfied.

Once an agreement has been reached it’s time for the actual sale!

Make sure that everything runs smoothly from start to finish (i.e., the payment is received promptly) in order to build credibility among buyers so they keep coming back for more!


Selling plants to nurseries is a great way for growers to increase their profits while providing quality products at competitive prices.

Before attempting this endeavor, it is important for growers to gather knowledge and resources so they understand exactly what works best for nurseries in terms of pricing, delivery methods, etc.

Reach out to prospective buyers using both online research and networking at trade shows, and negotiate prices/delivery methods until both parties are satisfied with the final result!

With proper preparation and communication skills, sellers can effectively establish relationships with nurseries ensuring repeat customers in the future!

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